domingo, 10 de febrero de 2008

2nd Interview

Interview to Carlos about his career

Name: Carlos Javier
Date: 10/02/2008

1. Could you please define Engineering in your own words?

Is the discipline of acquiring and applying scientific and technical knowledge to the design, analysis, and or construction of works for practical purposes.

2. What influenced you to pursue Electronics engineering?

I like maths, and i like to be able to create or innovate electronic components.

3. Could you please describe the educational process required to become an Engineer?

Is a must to like the career becuase you have to study a lot, you also need to be good at maths since engineering is based on maths.

4. What are the skills you need to be a good engineer?

You need to be good at maths and to be creative to innovate.

5. What job considerations were you looking for after you completed your education?

I would like to work for an international company which pays well and make me work on my field.

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